Stories that Uplift the Spirit and Broaden the Mind

Creative Writing Blog

Category: Poetry

Sunset on the Ridge

You never know when and where inspiration will strike. Even an iPhone photo delivered by email can wake up the muse.

King of the Free

Today is UNESCO’s World Poetry Day. As a citizen of the world, I thought I’d share an inspiration I had while visiting Thailand.

Stand for Freedom

2020 was a tragic time for America, with riots tearing the country apart. This was my appeal to save our young republic.

Rush Hour

This whimsical poem hit me one night while driving. A stark visual had captured my eye and spilled out in verse.

Hold on for the ride...

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” The quote is attributed (or misattributed, as the case may be) to Albert Einstein, but whether he said it or not, it’s a fascinating concept. For me, the choice is clear. The universe IS friendly, and this blog is where I post fiction that seeks to entertain while asking you to dip your toes into the pool of life and its mysteries.


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